Android Studio is a Java-based operating system developed by google and is the official Integrated Development Environment ("IDE") for developing Android applications. Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDE, on top of IntelliJ's powerful code editor and developer tools, Android Studio offers even more features that enhance productivity when building Android applications.
The latest version of Android Studio is available for download here.
Before you can install Android Studio on your device, you need to have Java and the Java SDK already installed on your operating system. If you already have Java and the Java SDK on your operating system, make sure they are the most recent versions available by the distributor. You can download both from the Oracle website.
XML files begin with the XML declaration ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? which is a flag that contain the (i) XML version information, (ii) the character encoding being used, and (iii) if the document needs or utilizes external sources.
To access the “Widgets” functions on the Android Studio JDK, open the “Res” (Resources) folder, click on the “Layout” subfolder and clicking on an XML layout. Once you open a layout XML, you’ll have the option to add and stylize Widgets to the layout by using the “Palette” and “Attributes” side bars.
The layout includes the following components (1) Palette, (2) Component Tree, (3) Toolbar, (4) Design editor, and (5) Attributes.
You can read more about the Layout file here.
A package contains the source code for your application. The Android Studio JDK creates a default package when you start a new application. The default package contains an "app" folder and a "gradle Scripts" folder.
The App folder contains a “manifest” folder, a “java” folder, a "generatedJava" folder and a "res" folder. We will examine what each of these folders contain and the sort of work you can expect to person in each.
The “gradle” folder, contains files that handle compiling, testing, deploying and converting your code. Simply put, Gradle automates the process required to organize all the different parts of our code into a compressed file, going from the original source code to binary code and testing the binary code. The Android Studio JDK comes with two pre-loaded gradle files for each project, build.gradle (Project: YourProjectName) and build.gradle (Module:app). Subsequent gradle folders are created as you expand your code.
The Android Studio emulator is an downloadable component that allows you to simulate an android device on your computer in order to test your application virtually. You can install the Android Emulator by going to “Tools” and selecting “SDK Manager”. This will launch a new window, go to the “System Settings” tab and click on “Android SDK” to ensure that you have the “Android SDK Build-Tools” installed.
Then click on “Tools", “Android AVD Manager" and press the “Create Virtual Device” to create your emulator.
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